year end youtube assessment

I didn’t think to include my youtube year end assessment in my assessment post the other day. My channel got 1,333 views this year, which is cool considering I’m not trying, and here is the top 10 breakdown.

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Lifetime views is 81,243 from 167 countries. I get to see neat maps and charts. Here is the breakdown for views from the top 20 countries.

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I can hover over the map and see little popups.

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The following video is my top vid. It’s been seen in 157 countries and total lifetime views is currently at 68,495. There is a Story behind this video that I hope to get written out one day. I have given permission for this video to be posted on suicide prevention pages and turned comments off because I was getting so many overwhelming personal stories from families who had lost members to suicide. This young lady is still with us against odds you wouldn’t believe, being plowed by a car while she was in a crosswalk two Christmases ago and thrown so hard that she nearly lost a leg and suffered head injuries. I withdrew the video from public during that time, so ‘lifetime’ actually covers only about five years instead of seven.

This is my second top vid. Most of my pet chicken videos barely get hits at all, so 3,320 views on it cracks me up. I guess it’s a big thing to watch big pet snakes eat small mammals and birds and I accidentally lucked into the search range with the title I chose.

The third top is Maizy again with 1,218 lifetime views on this one.

And the 4th top has me in it, lol. I never expected anyone to watch it, it’s kinda dumb.

I originally had no plans when I created my youtube account, but over this next year a few things might be changing, and I hope to be doing vid chat hangouts with other Lexx fans on Google+. I guess we’ll see where it goes.

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